Anime Boy Body Drawing Reference

In anime the head can be a slightly larger but it also depends on the size of the person you are drawing.

Anime boy body drawing reference. See more ideas about anime drawings drawings drawing reference. Apr 15 2020 drawing anime boy body pose reference 60 ideas for 2019. 8 step anime boy s head face drawing tutorial.

For drawing the body you can see. How to draw an anime boy full body step by step. Aug 7 2020 explore aquaqt314 s board anime body bases followed by 344 people on pinterest.

There are many ways and styles to draw an anime character but as mentioned this tutorial provides you with some guidelines to help achieve a more common anime look for a young male character. A normal body is about as wide as two heads. Drawing the body drawing anime guy body structure.

To draw an anime body start by drawing a stick figure with small circles at the joints and triangles for the hands and feet.